Sunday, May 19, 2013
Piaggio Carnaby 300 Cruiser
Why is it good that cruisers are on the rise again? As we get older. Can never be that has an impact on! This is what the beautiful mnemonic "we are aging, but we are not getting old." Is it convenience? Or everywhere like mushrooms growing out of the ground and the lightning boxes and more sophisticated methods of hiding the camera men in the civil service?
The same sort of convenience we once. The increasing desire of the authorities to reach into our pockets and increase the tariffs juicy even at lowest speed inaccuracies upwards, which is an argument. An expensive and tangible that many converts to zurückgelehnteren kind of one-track driving. For cruising.
Now so does the cruiser trend does not stop at the heavy iron department, no, this wave spills over heavily on the scooter department. Although its nothing really, really new - see eg Aprilia Habana, and once had a Honda Scooter customisierten named Shadow in the program (and thus what reportedly come again) - but it has to do also with the fact that not so great coveted models are more attractive with a few tweaks. Even the crossover mode is not restricted to the four cyclists.
By Piaggio one has been in the previous year aufgebrezelt the Beverly, rather aufgecruist. Because: In Italy, the sheriffs have become even more ruthless than us, even the big bikes are not there cheaper, so you climb the southern neighbor in town and short (country) stretch traffic still busily around on high-volume scooters. The candidate of this season has been the Carnaby. Was the power side with the 300 cc unit (which had debuted in the Vespa), optically missed with chrome and aluminum-look ornaments more pepper.
Pardon also quite bland - - so that the good and turned zartwüchsige high-wheel scooter as a dashing and elegant eye-catcher that can also what: Better than the Beverly Cruiser - the comparable than five hundred with just under 40 hp and 209 kg dry weight of only limited to the Carnaby is - Piaggio is well done with him the cruiser conversion.
The chrome ingredients act not fake, especially in the cockpit. This is a round thing that looks as if it would have been the outset planned Sun The house internal facelift has also been good for him. The large grille and chrome umrandetet round headlights give it character. Even if some of the details such as open storage compartments in the front apron act still rather unimaginatively designed and unloving pecked. However, the Carnaby is also not too heavy cruiser ornaments, 164 kilos are moderate, little people know especially appreciated, because a stand is not included in the series, even in the options there is no catalog.
The stopper provided their superior service. Also the weight distribution fits. Whether stuck in traffic or at a walking pace-top-speed, if so are the 140 things and occasionally mingled with a bit more on the clock. Since starting the Carnaby not shake what the 16er wheels help obviously an essential part. On top of that he - basically slim & narrow - is very agile. Manoeuvrable than a number of his portly (er) s colleagues in the same displacement class.
Chassis side of Carnaby follows a simple but proven pattern: The well-born but with 35 millimeter fork corresponds harmoniously with conventional stereo struts. The worst outbreak is filtered neutral. You do not expect more, but also no less.
Can still make it to Carnaby crusiger using windshield. The optional top case fits into the optically less heavy metal image that is not cruiser-like, but thats probably less of a criterion, if you will, for example, store a full-face helmet. Under the seat is such a fit that is not because only a small half-shell is enough space. And in the storage compartments in the apron you can cram more than one Wollhauberl. What, however, keyword warm hat, well there is a Hotcover, for those who want even in winter Carnaby cruising. Why the dashing white goes especially well. Although black also comes across very elegant, with the light blue you have to like.
Camouflage and deception, not only the executive branch, which can be with the Carnaby also. Because he tenderly as he is built, looks pretty harmless. And you basically a cruiser - its a bike, it was Scooter - optically never gschwind acts like on other motorized two-wheelers.